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Showing posts from May, 2015

Basic of Starts with Ionic Framework Application and Testing

T hink of Ionic as the front-end UI framework that handles all of the look and feel and UI interactions your app needs in order to be compelling. Kind of like "Bootstrap for Native," but with support for a broad range of common native mobile components, slick animations, and beautiful design. Since Ionic is an HTML5 framework, it needs a native wrapper like Cordova or PhoneGap in order to run as a native app. Platform notes Ionic targets iPhone and Android devices (currently). We support iOS 6+, and Android 4.0+ (though 2.3 should work). If you are on Windows, make sure to download and install Git for Windows and optionally Console2 . You will be executing any commands in this guide in the Git Bash or Console2 windows. First, we will go and install the most recent version of Apache Cordova , which will take our app and bundle it into a native wrapper to turn it into a traditional native app. To install Cordova, make sure you have Node.js installed, then r...

Check Internet Connection is Available in Ionic Application

The following Content will show you how to make use of social media sharing in your Android and Windows and iOS mobile application using Ionic Framework . To implement this , we’ll be using the plugin cordova-plugin-network-information . 1.Create the project ionic start Test blank cd Test ionic platform add android 2.Add Plugin This plugin provides an implementation of an old version of the Network Information API . It provides information about the device's cellular and wifi connection, and whether the device has an internet connection. This plugin not supported in browser for testing build in device.     cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information Until Cordova 2.3.0, the Connection object was accessed via, after which it was changed to navigator.connection to match the W3C specification. It's still available at its original location, but is deprecated and will eventually be removed. 3.Implementation ...