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Showing posts from January, 2016

What exactly means MVW design pattern ?

What is a MVW framework? The abbreviation stands for 'Model - View - Whatever'.  Well there are many different JavaScript frameworks available , all invented for the same purpose. They all try to separate the presentation logic from the business logic where JavaScript holds the model and logic, and html the presentation layer. Quick overview : You can change the model without changing the view and vice-versa Unit testing is easy These are the core benefits of using such a framework. By separating presentation and business logic changes to the code are easier to implement and take less time. Another benefit is that code can be reused from a controller thus saving more time. Angularjs makes the code also shorter in comparison to other frameworks, which improves code stability. Less code means minor potential for bugs. For several years +AngularJS was closer to MVC (or rather one of its client-side variants), but over time and thanks to many refactorings...

How to pin Eclipse to the linux launcher?

First, create a .desktop file to eclipse: gedit ~/.local/share/applications/opt_eclipse.desktop Then, paste this inside (dont forget to edit Exec and Icon values): [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Eclipse Comment=Eclipse Integrated Development Environment Icon=** something like /opt/eclipse/icon.xpm ** Exec= ** something like /opt/eclipse/eclipse ** Terminal=false Categories=Development;IDE;Java; StartupWMClass=Eclipse After that, open that folder with nautilus: nautilus ~/.local/share/applications If you want to use this launcher outside dash/launcher (ex: as a desktop launcher) you need to add execution permission by right clicking the file and choosing Properties -> Permissions -> Allow execution , or, via the command-line: chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/opt_eclipse.desktop Finally drop opt_eclipse.desktop to launcher.