Step 1 : Enabling REST API To enable the REST API within WooCommerce, visit the WooCommerce > Settings > API tab and tick the Enable REST API checkbox. Step 2 : Generating API keys The WooCommerce REST API works on a key system to control access. These keys are linked to WordPress users on your website. To create or manage keys for a specific WordPress user, go to WooCommerce > Settings > API > Keys/Apps. To get started, select Add Key. Select the User you would like to generate a key for in the User field and add a Description. Choose the level of access for this API key, which can be Read access, Write access or Read/Write access. Then select the Generate API Key button and WooCommerce will generate API keys for that user. Now that keys have been generated, you should see two new keys, a QRCode, and a Revoke API Key button. These two keys are your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Place your consu...
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