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WooCommerce REST API with Ionic Framework

  • Step 1 : Enabling REST API

    • To enable the REST API within WooCommerce, visit the WooCommerce > Settings > API tab and tick the Enable REST API checkbox.

  • Step 2 : Generating API keys

    • The WooCommerce REST API works on a key system to control access. These keys are linked to WordPress users on your website.

    • To create or manage keys for a specific WordPress user, go to WooCommerce > Settings > API > Keys/Apps.

    • To get started, select Add Key.

    • Select the User you would like to generate a key for in the User field and add a Description. Choose the level of access for this API key, which can be Read access, Write access or Read/Write access. Then select the Generate API Key button and WooCommerce will generate API keys for that user.

    • Now that keys have been generated, you should see two new keys, a QRCode, and a Revoke API Key button. These two keys are your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

    • Place your consumer key and consumer secret in the application that uses the WooCommerce API (the application should request your URL as well).

Implementation in Ionic Framework

  1. Creating basic demo of Ionic framework.
  2. We required the some dependency to implement this assignment like as follows,
             Download the js files and place in your required directory and include in your index.html
        <script src="js/lib/hmac-sha1.js"></script>
        <script src="js/lib/enc-base64-min.js"></script>
        <script src="js/lib/oauth-1.0a.js"></script>
        <script src="js/lib/oauth-signature.js"></script>

  1. Here I am Creating  the service in angularjs to handle the calling of woocommerce api ,

angular.module(myapp.restservices', [])
               var self=this;

  //Request Url and method
              var request = {
                      url: '',
                      method: 'GET'

 //OAuth Protocol authentication parameters
 var oauth = new OAuth({
                     consumer: {
    //Consumer Public Key
                                        public: 'ck_50xxxxxxxx',
    //Consumer Secrete Key
                                         secret: 'cs_b5xxxxx'
        //oauth1.0a protocol signature method
                     signature_method: 'HMAC-SHA1'
//Service Function to get products

                                template: '<ion-spinner class="light"></ion-spinner>'

//OAuth Parameters to call woocommerce api      
var oauth_data = {
            oauth_consumer_key: oauth.consumer.public,
            oauth_nonce: oauth.getNonce(),
            oauth_signature_method: oauth.signature_method,
            oauth_timestamp: oauth.getTimeStamp()

         //Oauth signature
         oauth_data.oauth_signature =  oauthSignature.generate(request.method,request.url,
                                                      oauth_data,oauth.consumer.secret );
         console.log("Params : "+ JSON.stringify(oauth_data));

         var deff=$q.defer();

                     headers: {
          params: oauth_data
               alert('Success :-    '+JSON.stringify(objS));
               alert('error:-    '+JSON.stringify(objE));
               deff.reject("server Error");
           return deff.promise;

           alert("ERROR ::"+JSON.stringify(error));
           console.log("ERROR ::"+JSON.stringify(error));

  1. Write controller to call the service function as like follows,

angular.module(myapp.categorycontrollers, [])

.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope,woocommerce) {

       //Method to get all Products
         $scope.getAllProducts = function(){

        //calling to function


  1. Hello, and can you please show the example of POST request to Woocommerce REST API to create an order: ?
    I tried to use the same pattern but I get either 401 error or 404 error.

  2. HI Santosh Shinde,

    I have compile this code but I have got some errors, can you please instruct me about html file for this app?
    please instruct me on

    1. What type of error you are facing with html ?

  3. can u instruct me on the final html file to this instructions
    instruct me on

  4. i create app in ionic but it shows blank white screen on product
    and category page

    1. Please check your console and any errors are there then please write here.

  5. there is no error only it shows blank screen


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