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Hybrid Mobile Apps with Ionic Framework Begginers Steps

What is Ionic, and where does it fit?

Ionic is an HTML5 mobile app development framework targeted at building hybrid mobile apps. Hybrid apps are essentially small websites running in a browser shell in an app that have access to the native platform layer. Hybrid apps have many benefits over pure native apps, specifically in terms of platform support, speed of development, and access to 3rd party code.

Start building with Ionic

1.Install Ionic

First, install Node.js. Then, install the latest Cordova and Ionic command-line tools. Follow the Android and iOS platform guides to install required platform dependencies.

npm install -g cordova ionic

2.Create the project

Create an Ionic project using one of our ready-made app templates, or a blank one to start fresh.
Options are like following way :

a)ionic start Test tabs   or
b)ionic start Test blank or
c)ionic start Test sidemenu
That will create a folder called  Test in the directory the command was run. Next, we will go into that directory and list the contents. Here is what the outer structure of your Ionic project will look like:
cd todo && ls
├── bower.json     // bower dependencies
├── config.xml     // cordova configuration
├── gulpfile.js    // gulp tasks
├── hooks          // custom cordova hooks to execute on specific commands
├── ionic.project  // ionic configuration
├── package.json   // node dependencies
├── platforms      // iOS/Android specific builds will reside here
├── plugins        // where your cordova/ionic plugins will be installed
├── scss           // scss code, which will output to www/css/
└── www            // application - JS code and libs, CSS, images, etc.
4.Configure Platforms
ionic platform add ios or
ionic platform add android

3.Run it

ionic build ios or
ionic emulate ios

Windows Note On Ant , Java & Android
Windows users developing for Android: You'll want to make sure you have the following installed and set up.
NOTE: Whenever you make changes to the PATH, or any other environment variable, you'll need to restart or open a new tab in your shell program for the PATH change to take effect.
Java JDK
Install the most recent Java JDK (NOT just the JRE).
Next, create an environment variable for JAVA_HOME pointing to the root folder where the Java JDK was installed. So, if you installed the JDK into C:\Program Files\Java\jdk7, set JAVA_HOME to be this path. After that, add the JDK's bin directory to the PATH variable as well. Following the previous assumption, this should be either %JAVA_HOME%\bin or the full path C:\Program Files\Java\jdk7\bin
Apache Ant
To install Ant, download a zip from here, extract it, move the first folder in the zip to a safe place, and update your PATH to include the binfolder in that folder. For example, if you moved the Ant folder to c:/, you'd want to add this to your PATH: C:\apache-ant-1.9.2\bin.
Android SDK
Installing the Android SDK is also necessary. The Android SDK provides you the API libraries and developer tools necessary to build, test, and debug apps for Android.
Cordova requires the ANDROID_HOME environment variable to be set. This should point to the [ANDROID_SDK_DIR]\android-sdk directory (for example c:\android\android-sdk).
Next, update your PATH to include the tools/ and platform-tools/ folder in that folder. So, using ANDROID_HOME, you would add both %ANDROID_HOME%\tools and %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools


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